Did you know - LINIAN products are available in South Africa, through Technoswitch (Pty) Ltd?
LINIAN products are all manufactured in the UK, and we are incredibly proud of our Made in Britain status. By using a UK supply chain, we are able to support the local economy. We can ensure continuity of supply and fast delivery of our products even when faced with recent disruptive events such as Brexit, the Suez canal obstruction and of course, Covid.
We are also able to guarantee our innovative products are made to the highest possible standards, using the top quality materials. This commitment to quality is the reason why many international companies choose to work with us and other #MadeinBritain members.

While a lot of our business is based in the UK, we also work with many incredible international partners to reach customers across the globe.
We would like to take a moment to thank one such partner - Technoswitch (Pty) Ltd.
LINIAN products are available in South Africa, through Technoswitch. Technoswithch – an ISO 9001:2015 certified company – designs, manufactures, imports, and sells high-quality fire detection, suppression and control equipment.
With its headquarters, manufacturing and training facilities in Johannesburg, Technoswitch has been supplying and providing technical support for high-quality fire detection products into sub-Saharan Africa since 1974. Their distribution network continues to increase with branches and training facilities in Cape Town and Durban – together with the ongoing addition of new distribution channels into sub-Saharan Africa.
Technoswitch (Pty) Ltd has been a LINIAN partner for many years. The company was an early adopter of our #FireClips, as the team quickly recognised the importance of our simple but effective solution for fast, safe and simple cable installation.
Thank you to Brett Birch, Gretchen Retief and all the team at Technoswitch (Pty) Ltd. Thanks to all our customers in South Africa, sub-Saharan Africa and beyond too.

For more information on our stockists in your area, visit our stockist map: http://www.linianclip.co.uk/stockists-2/
#supplychain #InternationalPartner #SouthAfrica #MadeinBritain #manufacturing #ukmfg #FireSafety